THMT Journal Now Accepting Sponsored Content
Telehealth and Medicine Today (THMT), public access journal explores advances healthcare by exploring innovations in telemedicine, telehealth, and digital health to improve global health access and outcomes.
Beginning January 1, 2025, the journal will accept sponsored content. Articles and advertisements will be labeled as
such to clearly distinguish this content from the ground breaking original research the journal publishes. Organizations, professionals, and researchers looking to showcase thought leadership, expertise, innovative solutions, advertisements, and related multimedia content, can now submit material to share with a highly targeted audience of healthcare and technology professionals, decision-makers, and innovators.
Where Your
Content Will Be Seen
- Global Reach: Your sponsored content will be distributed across 115 countries, engaging professionals from the Americas, Europe, Asia, and beyond.
- Performance Metrics: THMT ecosystem boasts impressive open rates of 25-45% and 20-40% click rates per campaign, your content will receive maximum visibility in our
campaigns and promotion. The journal generates 65-88,000 monthly engagements as per YTD 2024 Google Analytics, ensuring you reach key decision-makers and potential users.
- Exposure: Submissions are promoted across researcher sites and social media channels, and at our annual industry ConV2X event, where deep dives and real world use are discussed by influential pioneers and industry leaders.
Why Publish with THMT Journal?
- Reach a Specialized Audience: Your sponsored content will be seen by a global network of healthcare executives, technologists, researchers, and decision-makers.
- Drive Industry Engagement: Showcase your solutions
and insights at the forefront of healthcare transformation.
- Build Authority: Establish your organization as a thought leader in healthcare technology, life sciences, and patient-centered care.
- Maximize Visibility: THMT's wide-reaching digital platform and strategic partnerships ensure your content reaches key industry
Submission Guidelines:
- All content must align with THMT's mission
- 6 page insertion limit including images
- Materials will be reviewed and approved by the publisher
- PDH will promote content across social media platforms and global community outreach
- Articles and images provided will be camera ready for publication production
- Copy editing will be conducted by the submitter(s). PDH is not held responsible.
- References are
- No DOI will be assigned to sponsored content
Note: Submission must include data-backed insights, actionable recommendations, or thought leadership related to healthcare technology and life sciences, and must be factual in nature.
Beginning January 1, 2025, the journal will accept sponsored content for publication at a cost of $1,050 per article – maximum 6 color pages total, including images. Additional pages will be invoiced at $175/additional page. Discount for 4x journal insertion 10%, net 30 days.
About THMT Journal
Telehealth and Medicine
Today explores the latest innovations, research, and applications in telemedicine, telehealth, and digital health technologies. The publication aims to advance healthcare outcomes by fostering discussions on emerging trends, policy, regulation, and real-world implementations that improve access to healthcare, quality of care, and health outcomes globally. The journal addresses clinical, engineering and operational aspects, and seeks to inform and engage consumers, healthcare providers,
policymakers, industry stakeholders, and technology innovators.
Tory Cenaj, Publisher, t.cenaj@partnersindigitalhealth.com
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